By Eugene Gant
Credit where it’s due: Kudos to CBS Sunday Morning, hosted by Leftist Ted Koppel, for covering the secession movement in rural eastern Oregon fairly, and without hysterics about slavery, Confederates, or “white supremacists.” And the few seconds viewers heard something similar, it came from a carful of communist rage clowns.
Updated from a similar piece broadcast 10 months ago, the piece focuses on Mike McCarter, of Move Oregon’s Border, which is part of the Greater Idaho secession movement.
McCarter’s “Oregon may not be the Oregon you’re thinking of, the one with the misty rugged coastline, pinot noir wineries, and its loyally Blue politics,” correspondent Lee Cowan reported. McCarter and his fellow patriots live in the “Red side of Oregon,” which suffers under the communist hegemony of Portland’s Nutocrats. “It is a big divide,” he told Cowan:
What that means politically, he says, is that the Blue part of Western Oregon always outweighs the Eastern part’s Red. “In talking to a legislator over in the Portland area, I said, ’The legislature doesn’t listen to our people, our representatives over here.’ He said, ’Whoa whoa whoa, stop, Mike. We hear what they’re staying. We just out-vote you.’“
So, McCarter decided to look for greener pastures — or in this case, at least ones a little more red. Last fall, when Sunday Morning first met McCarter, he was spearheading a campaign called Move Oregon’s Border. The group had been busy introducing ballot measures all across the state asking voters about the idea of pushing the urban, Blue bits of Oregon into a smaller but still populous state, and then taking the rural Red bits and creating what would be part of a more expansive Idaho.
[Secession: Why some in Oregon want to become part of Idaho, September 3, 2023]
Portland’s communists, of course, have branded McCarter, a Vietnam veteran, You Know What:
But the opposition has swung into gear, too. A Portland non-profit called Western States Center is branding the move a “radical change“ that would raise taxes and cut wages. Comparing it to Oregon’s past white nationalists hate groups, one ad declares, “Members of Patriot Group, a white nationalist hate group, support a secession. Makes you wonder: Why are violent extremists pushing for secession?“
Their message: If rural conservatives don’t like Oregon’s urban liberal leanings, well, don’t move the border, move themselves instead.
Even if Idaho and Oregon approved moving the border, CBS’s Cowan correctly observed, the U.S. Congress must approve the measure.
In February, Idaho’s House of Representatives passed the Greater Idaho bill that permits legislators to open negotiations with Oregon about relocating their shared border.
Secession movements are spreading because rural Americans are fed up with the urban fringe coalition of Jews, blacks, feminists, homosexuals, immigrants, and nutjob “Christians,” who control everything from police and courts to public schools and libraries.
Examples: Oregon’s Loonocracy recently required public schools to install tampon dispensers in boys’ restrooms, and two years ago dropped the math, reading, and writing proficiency test required to graduate from high school.
Scrolling through the Libs of TikTok X feed explains the nationwide secession movement in living color.
Elementary teacher at @ChiPubSchools shows off new books she received for her class library.
One book is about taking kids to a pride parade and features men dressed in bondage gear and an individual with a double mastectomy scar.
How is this appropriate for kids?
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 5, 2023
BREAKING: Wisconsin school district @kusd defends offering students guides to an*l s*x and s*x k*nks, claims the content passes the “selection guidelines.”
Full story here: Read until the end to see what you can do about it!
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 3, 2023
You can’t make this up. The district @wh_isd is DEFENDING hiring a drag queen elementary school principal who was previously arrested on child porn charges.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 1, 2023
Original broadcast: