A VERY BAD idea. H/T One Old Vet
Allan Wall’s powerful account today Mexico’s Guerrero State Is “Violent And Dysfunctional” — And Amnesty Will Bring More Of It Here sent me back to reread my favorite analysis of our dysfunctional neighbor which James Fulford preserved in “The Last Word On Mexico” –A Dangerously Insightful Essay On Mexican History
The now inactive blogger Mark In Mexico wrote in 2005
Before I start, let me tell you that I live in Mexico… I avoid Mexico City like the plague because Mexico City is a plague. So is Tijuana, Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, Tuxtla Gutierrez (Chiapas), Monterrey, Reynosa and Matamoros and just about all points in between..Why is Mexico such a mess? It’s the culture. Don’t scoff. I live here, remember? Mexicans do not understand the very basics of Rule of Law. They don’t understand them and I don’t believe they ever will. The single missing ingredient here is accountability. You can steal just about whatever you want to steal here, and if you share the spoils with the political powers that be as well as local, state and federal law enforcement, you can get along quite nicely. Kind of like Chicago
Mexican politicians believe that it is their right to enrich themselves at the expense of their constituents. It comes with the territory, so to speak. Mexicans as a whole are not capable of viewing society as a whole. They do not understand that what is injurious to society is injurious to the individual.
We do not need these people — Fred Reed to the contrary.
I strongly disagree with Mark in Mexico’s conclusion — which was that America should run the place — but the discussion is imperative reading.