By Steve Sailer
Reuters reports
Seaboard Corp. said it will close its Guymon, Oklahoma, pork plant on Monday [Mayday] to allow workers to attend rallies planned for that day in support of immigration reform, the company said. The plant has a daily hog slaughter capacity of about 16,000 head, the company said.On Tuesday, Cargill Inc. said its five beef plants and two hog plants will be closed on Monday for the rallies.
Isn’t it nice to see that the schism that opened up between liberals and slaughterhouse owners back in 1906 with the publication of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle has finally closed after a full century? Guess what? The slaughterhouses' Cheap Labor lobby has won.
By the way, here is my review of the 2004 film "A Day Without a Mexican," which provided the template for the upcoming Mayday demonstration general strike.