Panhandling Grinds On
By Steve Sailer
More fund-raising …
I wanted to thank everybody who has contributed so far (and guilt-trip everbody who hasn’t).
There are, at the moment, three ways to give me money.
You can make tax deductible credit card contributions to me here (then, under "Steve Sailer Project Option" click on the "Make a Donation" button); or fax credit card details here (please put "Steve Sailer Project" on the fax); or you can snail mail checks made out to "VDARE Foundation" and marked on the memo line (lower left corner) “Steve Sailer” to:
VDARE Foundation P.O. Box 211 Litchfield, CT 06759
Second: You can send me an email and I'll send you my P.O. Box address.
Third: You can use Paypal to send me money directly, either by just using any credit card or if you have a specific Paypal account. [More]