
Panther Parents on the Prowl at Sidwell Foes School

By Steve Sailer


Sidwell Foes Friends School in Washington D.C. is nominally a Quaker institution, but life remains full of interest there.

You know how each spring the media is full of reports of some high school student who was accepted into all eight Ivy League colleges, and then it usually turns out to be some Nigerian girl?

So even with that kind of affirmative action mojo, a girl at Sidwell named Dayo Adetu still managed to go 0 for 13 in applying to college, not even getting into Spelman HBCU. So she and and her Leopard Parents (both MDs, I believe) are suing Sidwell Friends for allegedly conspiring against her after a long list of discrimination lawsuits the parents filed involving her and her older sister. They’ll take their latest case to the Supreme Court!

Anyway, if you want to learn far more than you care to know about grading disputes in Ms. Kozibrodzka’s Math II class at Sidwell, here is their latest legal filing [link fixed].

Anyway, what’s better as the Nigerian equivalent of Asian Tiger Parents? Panther Parents or Leopard Parents?

[Comment at Unz.com]

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