By Joe Guzzardi
In the many columns and letters posted on about the Roman Catholic Church’s activism on behalf of illegal aliens, writers have frequently asked if the church’s immigration advocacy is hurtful to its image among its faithful.
Three letters published June 7th in the Orange County Register [Bishop Letters: Is bishop tending flock or agenda?] indicate deep discontent with Bishop Tod Brown’s speech interrupting the Mass to deliver passionate pleas to the congregation to become politically pro-active in support of amnesty.[Catholic Diocese of Orange County"Immigration Statement"PDF]
Parishioner Miguel Villasin noted that the Mass was also a confirmation ceremony for young men and women thereby making Bishop’s Tod Brown’s political grandstanding all the more inappropriate. Villasin writes
"I saw a few people walking out while he was speaking, and I would have, too, but I guess I was in too much of a state of shock that the bishop would do such a thing."[Bishop urges immigration change | Brown calls for overhauling U.S. policy during confirmation Mass in cathedral,By Erika I. Ritchie, June 5, 2006 ]
P.S. The letters also include one from Vietnamese John Nguyen who says that learning English is the key to success in America.