Partisanship And The So-Called “Senate Border Bill“
By Former Agent
My father is old now, and he doesn’t question things like he used to. He was a registered Independent, but for the longest time I can remember, he was a reliable Democratic voter. So was I in my younger years. When Bill Clinton talked tough on border security, I agreed with him and so voted for him.
It was regarded that the Republicans with their big business supporters who were for more immigration.
There was a common saying in the Border Patrol that Agents were more likely to get pay increases during a Democratic administration than a Republican one. There were a lot more Border Patrol Agents voting Democrat back then.
It didn’t hurt that Democrat Barbara Jordan came out with her report on how immigration hurt poor Americans.
As a kid, my father said that it was best to be an independent (a GDI) because it allowed you to vote for either candidate in our state, and it allowed you to evaluate the candidate’s positions based on their own merits.
However, he is old now, and he doesn’t evaluate things as well as he used too. He doesn’t follow his own advice that he gave me years ago. On the rare occasions when the news covers the situation at the border and he sees the pictures or video of the crowds (hordes) coming across the border, he gets visibly upset. He doesn’t like the disaster one bit. However, I cannot convince him that he voted for those exact policies.
More Americans get their news from the evening news on CBS, NBC, and ABC than any other source, and my father is one of them. I believe he’s getting a diet of left-wing propaganda, but he’s too old and stubborn to change his ways.
The other day, I was talking to a Canadian living in the United States. He was upset about the quality of the new immigrants coming into Canada and saying that the immigrants of the past didn’t come for welfare handouts, but learned English, worked hard, and integrated. However, when the subject of America’s disastrous immigration came up, he blamed the Republicans for not working with the Democrats on a Border Security bill [Speaker Mike Johnson Doubles Down: No Deal on Border, by Bradley Jaye, Breitbart, January 17, 2024].
The Democrat technique of advancing an amnesty bill, aka the cumbersomely titled “Comprehensive Immigration Reform,” is to have the Republicans reject the amnesty attempt, then the Dems run to the media and accuse the Republicans of not cooperating on a bill. Their idea of cooperation is having the Republicans cave in to their demands.
I asked the Canadian if he actually read what was in the bill, and he got mad at me for asking the question! He continued to say the Republicans were at fault. The bill would have allowed 5,000 illegal aliens a day before Title 42 (the Remain in Mexico program) would kick in. That would mean roughly 150,000 illegal aliens permitted in per month and about 1,800,000 per year! The wimpy Mitch McConnell’s counteroffer was supposedly 3,000 illegal aliens let in per day (roughly 90,000 a month and 1,080,000 per year)!!!
(Starting at around minute 34, Megyn claims that the Republicans counteroffered 3,000 a month.)
Talk about a traitor! Ditch Mitch. How in the world did he become the leader of the Senate Republicans? Oh yeah, watch that video of Reagan and Bush debating again.
We have two parties, the white guilt / Hate Whitey party and the Big Donor / globalist greed party. They come together in destroying the Historic American Nation for greed and power.