Patriot Alert! Chance To Complain To State Department About The Refugee Disaster

By Patrick Cleburne


S Sudanese

Sudanese refugees enjoying America. H/T

The indefatigable — and valiantRefugee Resettlement Watch has an important post today US State Department: public invited to comment on FY2015 refugee admissions

The US State Department is inviting public comment on how many refugees/from where should be resettled in the US in the next fiscal year which begins October 1, 2014.

Longtime followers of RRW know that in the past couple of years we have flooded the State Department with critical testimony, while the majority of the give-us-more-refugees crowd was comprised almost exclusively of the contractors who gain financially from each refugee resettled (they are paid by the head).

Here are the pertinent facts about the upcoming opportunity to comment:

Federal Register Notice 8690

Inviting Public Comment on the size and scope of the refugee admissions program.

Comments to be submitted by 5 p.m. May 29th by e-mail to or fax to 202-453-9393

Don’t hesitate to contact Ms. Spruell if you have a question.

In the past, some of us attended the ‘hearing’ at the State Department. I’ll check and see if that opportunity is available this year and when it is…

In some ways the Refugee Industry is the most outrageous component of the Treason Lobby, making a living as it does by contracting with the Feds to bring in absolutely the most dysfunctional (and often dangerous) peoples it can and dumping them on the local taxpayers.

Refugee Resettlement Watch concludes

We will also plan to re-post some of the good testimony from the last couple of years in the coming days. If you are eager to find out what critics said in previous years, note we have two categories in the left-hand side bar. One is entitled Testimony for 5/1/2012 and the other Testimony for 5/15/2013

For those who say this is a hopeless exercise, that the testimony goes into a black hole, you can make your testimony go farther by sending it to your Senators, Members of Congress, Governors, Mayors etc. and ask them for a response to your concerns. Even consider using it as a press opportunity for a local group.

These RSS dossiers are invaluable. From the 2012 selection I derived Refugee Industry: Irresponsible Social Strip Mining In Pennsylvaniawhich I think remains a succinct account of the horrific damage being done by this racket. readers thinking about involving themselves in this process should feel legitimized by the example of America’s most beloved foreign country:

“Israel actually leads the world in refugee rejection…The government says that none of these people are refugees.”

Mondoweiss On Israel’s Determination To Stay Israel March 27, 2014

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