It’s Important To Thank Our Stand-Up Friends

By Paul Nachman


Allan Wall’s VDARE article Does SB 9 Mean Texans Are Finally Fighting Back? for Tuesday, June 21, 2011, includes some discussion of Texas State Senator Chris Harris’s outspoken objection, and follow-up, to a witness testifying against SB9 in Spanish, despite having resided in the U.S. for 23 years. It’s worthwhile viewing the brief video embedded in Allan’s piece.

I think it’s also worthwhile — HIGHLY WORTHWHILE — to thank Sen. Harris that he went to bat for us. You can send him an email via his legislative web page, here [scroll down]. For example, here’s the brief message I dispatched:

Dear Sen. Harris,

I finally got around to watching the couple of minutes of hearing testimony on SB9 where you objected to someone who’s been here for ~23 years testifying in Spanish. Hallelujah! It’s all too rare that our public officials stand up for the American nation and for what the large majority of their citizen constituents want, as evidenced by myriad polls.


In case you'd like to read an opinion article in which your testimony figured prominently, check out


Paul Nachman Bozeman, Montana

After dispatching my message, I was a bit deflated to see that there’s an "Espanol" link at the bottom of the left column on Harris’s page. However, clicking on that link reveals that it has nothing specifically to do with Sen. Harris or with his district that includes Arlington, a suburb in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex. Instead, the linked page is gateway to all the wonders of "El Senado de Texas."

Harris is a very senior legislator, having served in the Texas House or Senate since 1985. So he’s in his 14th session, as the Texas legislature, blessedly, meets only every other year. And Harris has been in the Republican leadership, so it’s all the more significant that — judging by the confrontation in the hearing on SB9 — he hasn’t lost his edge, hasn’t forgotten what he went there for.

Applauding public officials for doing good things on our behalf is the easiest case of interacting with them (as distinguished from trying to persuade them to support something controversial), and Montana legislators tell me thank-you notes are much appreciated. So please go for it, VDARE readers!

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