Paul Ryan: Amnesty Good For Catholics. What About Americans?
H/T One Old Vet
Rushing to promote Treason Lobby favorite Congressman Paul Ryan in Paul Ryan working behind the scenes to push comprehensive immigration legislationby Paul Kane and Ed O’Keefe Wednesday June 10 2013 The Washington Post deployed a tin ear:
Two weeks after the end of his failed vice-presidential bid, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis)… ran into his old friend, Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Ill.), and urged him to restart his effort to get a comprehensive immigration package through Congress …
“You’re a Catholic; I’m a Catholic; we cannot have a permanent underclass of Americans exploited in America,” Ryan told Gutierrez, according to the Democrat’s recollection of the November discussion.
In other words the Catholicism of the bulk of the illegal immigrant population is more important to Ryan than the ties of nationality to his fellow Americans.
In this I suppose Ryan is conforming to the treasonous tendencies of his Bishops. But the very many Catholic patriots, including those who write for are certain to be outraged.
A thought experiment: what if Ryan instead of being perpetually bad on immigration and having this peculiar thing about Reconquista Gutierrez had approached a genuine patriot like Jeff Sessions and said
You’re a white man; I’m a white man; we cannot permit this savage attack on the well being of the Founding People?