Pearl Harbor And Your Father’s America
The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor happened 75 years ago today.
Young people today study this as The War Of The Japanese Internment. Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright — a US Navy veteran — considered it The War When White People Bombed Hiroshima For No Reason.
The Americans of 1941 regarded it as a war of revenge on Japan — a response that had something of a racial component. (Not as big a racial component as the original Japanese attack, of course — no one in America, white or black, was as ethnocentric as the Japanese remain today.)
Here’s Red Foley’s Smoke On The Water (lyrics) — as you listen to it, think of what the MSM would say about someone who wrote a song like it after a Muslim attack.
Things have changed — in 2001, American liberals responded to 9/11 by forming Societies For The Protection Of Enemy Aliens — but the election of Donald Trump shows that the old spirit is not dead.