By Steve Sailer
From Real Clear Politics:
Posted By RCP Video
On Date February 7, 2018
During an extended speech on the House floor Wednesday morning, where she read a long list of profiles of DACA recipients, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was reminded of her own grandson.
Pelosi, who noted her Italian heritage, said her grandson comes from Irish, English, “whatever, whatever” descent. She added that he is a “mix.” Pelosi shared that when her grandson blew out the candles at his sixth birthday party he made a wish that he would have “brown skin and brown eyes” like his Hispanic friend Antonio.
NANCY PELOSI: … He said yes, he made a wish. What is your wish? I wish I had brown skin and brown eyes like Antonio.
So beautiful. So beautiful. The beauty is in the mix. The face of the future for our country is all-American. And that has many versions.
Commenter WorkingClass observes:
Poor little self hating rich kid. Nobody ever told him it’s Okay to be white.
He can still go trans. It’s better than nothing.
Yeah, but he can only go transgender like that wonderfully courageous Caitlyn Jenner, not transracial like that horrible Rachel Dolezal.