
Penn Live Editorial Blames Gun Crime In Harrisburg On The Fact That The Black Population Doesn’t Trust The Police

By Paul Kersey


The fact the American Colonization Society (ACS) existed is not a cause for lamentation; the fact they failed in their mission to free their posterity of a burden Thomas Jefferson himself knew would be an eternal problem is the cause for perpetual melancholy.

But one fact remains constant throughout our history on this continent and in OUR creation of the United States of America: The answer to the problems outlined in the 1619 Project is not capitulation, but repatriation so those melanin-enriched are forever free of the burden of whiteness and they can now create Wakanda in our absence.

Because the central claim of those proponents of the Wakanda Theory is this: In the absence of colonizers (white people), blacks would flourish.

Well, if America were absent a black population, would this story about gun violence in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania even need to be written? No…

Shootings won’t stop in Harrisburg until Black people feel they can trust police | PennLive Editorial, PennLive.com, September 23, 2022

It happened again this week. Gunfire rang out in the 1300 block of Derry Street in Harrisburg, and two men fell. They weren’t killed, but that doesn’t mean they were lucky.

Ask Cal Hollman. He survived being shot in 1991, but he still worries that the bullet lodged in his back might one day kill him. He lives in constant pain. A year after his was shot, doctors threatened to amputate his foot.

He is among the nine people featured in PennLive’s “Forever Wounded” project published last week. The men all survived being shot, but have suffered serious physical and mental trauma. Each described in chilling detail the fear that haunts them years after being shot, as well as the physical disabilities that impact their daily lives.

Some of those forever wounded will share their stories at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the “Hear Their Voices” forum that PennLive will host with community organizations at the Nativity School of Harrisburg, 2101 North 5th St. Among organizations supporting the forum include the Dauphin County Office of Children and Youth, The Civic Club of Harrisburg, The World Affairs Council of Harrisburg, Breaking the Chainz, Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence and New Branches Ministries. Fulton Bank is corporate sponsor of the event.

PennLive reporter Jenna Wise and videographer TJ Smith were able to do something that eludes many police officers — get African American men wounded by shootings in Harrisburg to tell them what happened.

Harrisburg has the highest rate of violent crime in central Pennsylvania, and most of the shootings involve African American men. Their stories as documented in “Forever Wounded” make it crystal clear they do not trust police. Many have never told police who shot them, even if they know who did it. And they never will.

But let’s be frank. Trust is not the only problem behind Harrisburg’s high violent crime rate. Guns are too easily available, and too many teenagers have them. Almost 30 percent of Harrisburg’s residents live in poverty, exacerbated by the lack of job opportunities, especially because so many of its young African American men have arrest records.

Again, Harrisburg is not alone in that phenomenon. A new study in the journal “Crime & Delinquency notes nearly half of Black males in the United States are arrested by age 23, sometimes for offenses like jaywalking or truancy. And to be frank again, they are often a [sic] victims of “over policing” that can impact their ability to get a job, housing and even attend college.

It’s not hard to find a young African American man with a personal story of being stopped, searched, and humiliated by police suspicious of just the way he looks. All of this means too many people in cities like Harrisburg see police as enemies, not as protectors.

That must change. But the change will require both the community and police to work together.

TL;DR… you can’t blame police for black people shooting each other forever.

How many fatal/nonfatal shootings would occur in Harrisburg if the city were free of a black population? How much violent crime would there be?

The question answers itself, and it be utilized for every city in America.

Those architects of the ACS knew what they were doing for their posterity.

We, their descendants, owe them an apology, for EVER doubting their motivations.

How many problems in 2022 America would be erased if the black population had been peacefully repatriated more than century ago? How many black lives are taken daily across the USA — with white privilege blamed for this phenomenon — because black lives long ago weren’t returned to Africa?

[Comment at Unz.com]

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