
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s Gun Violence Counselor Shoots Male Prostitute

By Steve Sailer


A reader writes:

An employee of Philadelphia’s DA office, led by DA Larry Krasner, who is a Soros funded radical, shot and killed a trans-man prostitute last week. During work hours, like 10am. The altercation began after their date [in the backseat of Dodge Durango in a cemetery], which was for an amount of $500.

The shooter is a gun violence counselor and he has not been arrested. The local news media has barely touched upon the case except for Ralph Cipriano’s big trial blog. Cipriano is a former longtime reporter with the Philadelphia Inquirer.

This is a local case but it might be of interest due to the possibility of further riots in Philadelphia just days before an election. And it being possible ISteve material. No one is protesting for the truly marginalized victim, a transman, sex worker, black etc…..

With Philadelphia in the news, it’s worth checking out veteran crime-beat reporter Ralph Cipriano’s blog:

DA’s Gun Violence Counselor Shoots And Kills Male Prostitute


By Ralph Cipriano

As a member of the District Attorney’s Immediate Response Team, DeVonte’ Douglass routinely goes out to crime scenes, hospitals, and the medical examiner’s office when there’s been a homicide, to aid victims’ families.

Shortly before 10 a.m. yesterday, Douglass had an up close and personal experience involving a homicide in a case where Douglass was identified by police as the shooter. But according to Douglass’s version of the story, he was also a crime victim.

… At a time when most employees at the D.A.’s office are expected to be at work, Douglass told police he shot and killed Vernon Harris, whom he had met on Instagram, and agreed “to a sexual encounter in exchange for money,” police said.

… After their encounter, which took place in the back seat of the vehicle, with the windows open, Douglass told police, Harris stood outside the vehicle and pointed a gun at Douglass, and demanded all his money.

Harris then placed his gun inside his waistband. But when Harris started reaching around the vehicle, Douglass told police that he feared that Harris was going to take out his gun again and shoot him. So Douglass drew his gun and shot Harris twice in the chest, killing him. Then he ran across Lehigh Avenue, pleading for someone to call police.

In other Philadelphia news from Cipriano:

Amid Riot Over Police Shooting, Philly Hits 400 Murders

By Ralph Cipriano

We interrupt the rioting, looting and requisite political pandering over the fatal police shooting yesterday of Walter Wallace Jr., a 27 year-old black man armed with a knife, to make an important announcement — the city of Philadelphia just hit 400 murders!

Barry Torrance, a 44-year-old black man, was found shot in the head yesterday by his aunt on the 4800 block of Westminster Avenue in West Philadelphia. Ironically, the crime scene was just four blocks away from where the rioting and looting erupted on 52nd Street over the fatal police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr.

Torrance, who subsequently died of his wounds, became this year’s 400th homicide. By comparison, as of Oct. 12th, New York City, with more than five times the population of Philadelphia, had only 362 murders.

In Philadelphia, there have been less than a dozen officer-involved shootings this year, but they sure get a lot of attention, especially when, as the case was yesterday, the victim involved is black, and the officers involved are white. Meanwhile, the city has 400 homicides on the books this year, as well as 132 suspicious deaths that may turn out to be homicides.

A conservative estimate of Philly’s homicides this year is that at least 90%, of those victims, are black, as are the victims whose deaths have been classified as suspicious. But apparently when it comes to our current racial politics, those hundreds of black lives don’t matter.

So the demonstrators who marched on the police station at 55th and Pine weren’t chanting “Say his name” about Barry Torrence, Official Homicide Victim No. 400. No, instead, they were chanting about Walter Wallace Jr., a career criminal with 18 prior arrests, including five assaults on cops, and domestic abuse cases as recent as this past March, when he stabbed his 25 year-old girlfriend.

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