By Allan Wall
Hispanic activists in the U.S. have been known to oppose the use of photo ID for voters. For example, Arizona congressman Raul Grijalva (also an enemy of SB 1070) is against it. After all, the ramshackle voter registration system most U.S. states currently have makes it easier for non-citizens to vote! However, a recent Rasmussen poll says that 82% of likely U.S. voters are in favor of photo ID. That’s 82%! Here’s the report from Rasmussen Reports:
An overwhelming majority of Likely Voters in the United States think all voters in the country should be required to present photo identification in order to vote in U.S. elections. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters finds that just 14% disagree and think the current identification system is sufficient. Just 4% are undecided on the issue. This is a sentiment that spans demographics, as majorities in every demographic agree that photo identification should be required to vote. While this is the highest level of support since polling on the question began in 2006, support has always remained very high for such a requirement.[82% Say Voters Should Be Required to Show Photo ID, Rasmussen Reports, Aug. 19th, 2010]
I'd like to point out that in Mexico, photo ID is definitely required for voters. In fact the government issues an official photo ID card, which in each polling station is checked against a book containing the photograph of every voter in the precinct. See my article Why is Mexico’s Voter Registration System Better Than Ours? and see the contrast with the slipshod system employed in most U.S. states. Then, in your own state, support photo ID for voters!