PIONEER PRESS’s Poster Child For "Missing and Murdered African American Women" Was Killed By A Black Man Who Also Murdered A White Woman
Earlier by Steve Sailer: Black Women Murdered More Often in Minnesota, Whites at Fault
The Pioneer-Press story on the Missing and Murdered African American Women Task Force referenced by Steve Sailer above features a picture of a necklace worn by Marquita Clardy:
with her murdered daughter Brittany’s photo in St. Paul Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2014. African American women and girls in Minnesota are almost three times as likely to be murdered as their white peers, according to data contained in a December 2022 report from the Missing and Murdered African American Women Task Force.
Task force details unique plight of missing, murdered African American women in Minnesota
— Pioneer Press (@PioneerPress) December 23, 2022
Brittany Clardy was killed by Alberto Palmer. This is Mr. Palmer:
The story I got that from is Brittany Clardy’s killer gets second long prison sentence in Twin Cities murders, by Sarah Horner, Pioneer Press, December 10, 2014.
The reason it says “murders” in the title is that Mr. Palmer also killed this woman, Klaressa Cook:
Here’s the story of how they died, from the 2014 story:
Palmer killed Brittany Clardy at his brother’s Brooklyn Park home after he solicited her for sex. The teenager was struggling and had recently started working as a prostitute, unbeknownst to her family. … .
The 25-year-old Palmer told the court at his August plea hearing how the two had argued over payment after having sex. Angry, he began hitting her and eventually grabbed a hammer, fatally bludgeoning her.
He then hid her body in her car under a blanket and abandoned the vehicle at a nearby apartment building. … .
Palmer did the same thing earlier that winter to Klaressa Cook, a 24-year-old Georgia native who had recently moved to the Twin Cities and was working as a prostitute.
He solicited her for sex, again at his brother’s house. Similarly, he said the two argued about money. He said he ended up fatally bludgeoning her, also concealing her body in her vehicle, which was found after being towed to a Minneapolis impound lot.
The homicides followed at least three gruesome assaults against prostitutes Palmer met while living in Georgia, one of whom the Illinois native raped in a closet and gagged before stuffing her body in a storage container and leaving it in a car. She ended up escaping.
We don’t know the race of any of the Georgia victims. (If it weren’t for the pictures, we wouldn’t know the race of either killer or victims — not mentioned.) There’s a Brittany Clardy Foundation, which runs a women’s shelter. There’s this task force for Missing and Murdered African American Women.
There will be none of that for Klaressa Cook, or any of the other Missing and Murdered White Women killed by black men. They’re forgotten except at places like
Elections come and go, but the relentless toll of black-on-white homicide rolls on. White women murdered by black boyfriends, drug deals, carjackings, a possible home invasion, and 5 (!) white men murdered in one incident you may not have heard of.
— VDARE (@vdare) November 7, 2022