Please Help One Old Vet Pay Web Host, Keep Fighting!

By Patrick Cleburne


One Old Vet

An American Hero

I strongly believe that the Patriotic Immigration news aggregation service run by One Old Vet is worth any two of the three Fat Cat Immigration Restraint outfits which seem to achieve so little in DC. To me it is the go-to hard news source on America’s immivasion disaster and it has supplied me with the ammunition for many blogs.

One Old Vet is the voluntary work of one gentleman who I understand is a pensioner. If he spends less than ten hours a day on the site I would be very surprised. And he never falters (unlike me).

Some time ago OOV moved to a much-needed more powerful web host which has now zapped him with a big increase of fees as he explains here.

Please help OOV pay this bill. If you donate to him through the Foundation here it is tax-deductible. (That is, until the House GOP deliver their planned Tax Pork to their Treason Lobby owners.

Be sure to mark any checks clearly “For One Old Vet”. If you want to use PayPal, go through the to access the service and designate OOV. Direct payments through PayPal are not adequately identified.

Help defend America!

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