Political Donations by Industry of Employer

By Steve Sailer


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Crowdpac’s graph of donations to candidate by industry of employer

From Business Insider:

Crowdpac, a non-partisan firm dedicated to political data analysis, used federal campaign contribution records dating back to 1980 in order to estimate where various officials and donors fall on the political spectrum. They scored individual donors as being more liberal or conservative based on what kinds of candidates they gave to.

The company’s CEO and co-founder, Steve Hilton, told Business Insider this donation data “is the heart of the Crowdpac data model” because their “research shows that campaign contributions are the best predictor of how a candidate will behave in office.” …

As part of their analysis, Crowdpac is also able to break down where various professions fall on the political spectrum. They provided that data to Business Insider.

So, the four businesses that serve as the Engineers of Human Souls — entertainment, academia, Google-type tech, and the print media — are each significantly more liberal than any industries are conservative, even mining and agriculture (and the gypsum and sorghum industries aren’t exactly leaders of fashion).

Liberal Professions

Some of the professional groups have clear liberal leanings. People who work in the news media are almost exclusively donors to liberal candidates: newspaper_print_media


Donors in the entertainment industry are similarly liberal:



Academics also tend to give to liberal candidates:

academics crowdpac donor politics


The tech industry has a decidedly liberal bent as well:

online_computer_services crowdpac donor politics


Here’s an ancient article I wrote on movie star donations to campaigns.

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