Poll: Public thinks Feds support Illegal Immigration
On Monday, the Rasmussen Reports polling outfit published a dramatic note Most Voters Say Government Encourages Illegal Immigration Monday,September 27,2010
While the headlines have cooled a bit in recent weeks, voters feel more strongly than ever that the federal government is encouraging illegal immigration and that states like Arizona have the answer to the problem.A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the policies and practices of the federal government encourage people to enter the United States illegally, up six points from October of last year…
Only 23% disagree and think the federal government is not encouraging illegal immigration, but another 16% are not sure.
This means the Obama Administration’s propaganda effort has failed: and the electorate is open to the argument that U.S. policy is actually Stealth Amnesty.
Equally explosive,
Sixty-three percent (63%) of voters now favor passage of an immigration law like Arizona’s in their own state, despite the U.S. Justice Department’s highly-publicized lawsuit challenging the law in court. That’s a four-point increase from late July.
For some strange reason, the MSM has completely ignored this story (per Google news). Even though in an election year, one would think the political community would like to know that the Administration is so distrusted.
As of course they have the immigration debacle as a whole. That the public nevertheless feels this way is a triumph for Patriots operating via the Internet (Help!) — and common sense.