Postville Protestor: "An Illegal Alien Killed My Mom"

By Brenda Walker


It’s a sad indicator about the state of law and order in this country that a woman has to hold up with a sign reading "An Illegal Alien Killed My Mom" to draw attention to the problem of illegal alien crime.

Mona Kilborn showed up at the recent Postville rallies to show her support for law enforcement in the face of all the baby wavers.

"[The companies] are just as guilty," said Mona Kilborn, a 59-year-old woman from Marshalltown whose mother died in October 2007 when a van the family rode in was struck by another vehicle being driven by an illegal immigrant. "If there wasn’t a magnet to come, [illegal immigrants] wouldn’t be coming. So, the companies are wrong — just wrong — and there should be a price to pay."

Agriprocessors, the largest kosher meatpacking plant in the U.S. and the site of the unprecedented May 12 immigration raid that sparked the demonstrations in Postville on Sunday, has remained largely unscathed. While the vast majority of the 389 workers detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement were quickly and efficiently charged and convicted on criminal charges, primarily identity theft, only two members of plant middle management face charges for aiding and abetting illegal immigration. The plant is owned by a wealthy and politically-connected Orthodox Jewish family, led by patriarch Aaron Rubashkin. The two supervisors facing charges are both Hispanic. [Both sides of immigration debate agree: employers should be held accountable, July 29, 2008]

The Des Moines Register could hardly restrain its adoration of the noble lawbreakers, er migrants:

Throng packs Postville to pray, call for change.

Postville, Ia. — More than 1,000 people from around the Midwest converged on this small town Sunday to show disdain for the treatment of immigrant workers arrested during a massive raid here in May.

The demonstrators included hundreds of people bused in from the Chicago and Minneapolis areas.

They carried signs reading, "Love thy neighbor" and "Build sense, not a fence." They chanted, "We are all immigrants" and "Si, se puede — Yes, we can." And they listened to religious leaders pray in English, Spanish and Hebrew.

The event began with more than 500 people jammed into the pews and small social hall of St. Bridget’s Catholic Church, which has been the rallying point of the immigrants' cause since nearly 400 people were arrested May 12 at the Agriprocessors meatpacking plant in the largest single-site immigration raid in the United States. Loudspeakers broadcast the ecumenical service for the hundreds of people who stood on the church lawn or spilled onto the street.

If there is anything more evil than sanctimonious church people patting themselves on the back for destroying America, I don’t know what it is.

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