Potential Veep Kobach Gets Stunning Tribute From $PLC’s Mark Potok:“Wherever Kris Kobach Goes, Sorrows And Trouble Follow.”
Patriotic immigration reformer Kris Kobach is mentioned as a possible candidate for national office in the Kansas City Star, and gets a stunning tribute from SPLC inquisitor Mark Potok:
Kansas Secretary of State Kobach draws praise, scorn for work
Secretary of state draws adulation and scorn for his work on voter fraud and illegal immigration., By Brad Cooper And Dave Helling, The Kansas City Star, April 7, 2012
Kris Kobach holds what should be one of the quietest jobs in government: Kansas secretary of state.Yet it’s hard to find anyone who stays very quiet when asked about Kobach: He’s either loved or loathed.
He is “one of the most talented people I’ve ever encountered,” said former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, a fellow Republican and close friend. “It’s in the interest of our country to have people of his integrity and quality.”
Mark Potok, senior fellow for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors conservative groups, views Kobach much differently: “Wherever Kris Kobach goes, sorrows and trouble follow.”
Kobach, who turned 46 last week, is accustomed to such intense and divergent verdicts on his work — he is the very definition of a political lightning rod.
But the general public may soon hear a much louder argument about the former law professor and current legal consultant. The whispers in some Republican and media circles are growing: Kobach for Senate. Kobach for U.S. attorney general. Or maybe something even higher.
“He is the next wave, the future of the leadership in Kansas, and is a rising star nationally,” said Jeff Roe, a GOP political consultant based in Kansas City.[More]
Under the heading of "Higher aspirations?" the Kansas City Star says
Almost a year ago, conservative columnist Ann Coulter mentioned Kobach as a potential presidential candidate in 2016 — an opinion that spread like wildfire across the blogosphere.
This is actually a Twitter post, which they might have mentioned, or linked to, but didn’t.
@AnnCoulter: My candidate for president in 2016 or 2020, after he’s Gov of KS: Kris Kobach — https://bit.ly/gAS8Ar
Not mentioned by the Star, but much more recent, is the piece Peter Brimelow wrote about Kobach as vice-presidential candidate this year: Romney Has A Problem — And The Solution Is Kris Kobach.