Previously Deported Mexican Illegal Arrested For Public Act Of (SELF) Love

By A.W. Morgan


Mediaite and are becoming go-to sites for off-the-wall stories involving illegal aliens and anti-white crime. The latest from the latter concerns a resolute border jumper caught masturbating in public. More Hispanic values there.

But we also learn that Arturo Marcial-Alaniz had been deported four times before cops caught him committing the sin of Onan.

A Mexican man who was accused of masturbating outside a Texas dollar store has crossed the line in more ways than one. After officers picked up Arturo Marcial-Alaniz, authorities discovered that he entered the United States illegally, and had already been caught and deported many times.

Marcial-Alaniz pleaded guilty to indecent exposure after claiming that he was urinating, not masturbating, when he was caught with his penis out on March 9, according to CBS4 News. A judge sentenced him to time served, but as soon as he was released, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials picked him up. He’s now facing an illegal re-entry charge.

The federal complaint against him alleges that Marcial-Alaniz “was formally removed from the United States to Mexico for the fourth (4th) time on August 28, 2016 via the Hidalgo, Texas Port of Entry.” According to court documents, he admitted to coming back into the U.S. by wading across the Rio Grande in February of this year.

Marcial-Alaniz is currently being held without bond.

Yet another of Obama’s Dreamers doing the jobs Americans won’t do.

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