Privilege: G Soros E Mails Reveal Massive Subversion And Corruption: US MSM Averts Eyes.

By Patrick Cleburne


H/T Pic and caption Investor’s Business Daily

Fresh from its public-spirited promotion of articles from The Gatestone Institute site (ZEROHEDGE/GATESTONE On Sweden’s Summer “Refugee” Sexual Assault Disaster August 21 2016) the superlative financial webzine ZeroHedge has found time from its normal interests to do it again: On The Bizarre Media Blackout Of Hacked George Soros Documentsby Taylor Durden Aug 24, 2016

Scandal: Leaked documents released a few days ago provide juicy insider details of how a fabulously rich businessman has been using his money to influence elections in Europe, underwrite an extremist group, target U.S. citizens who disagreed with him, dictate foreign policy, and try to sway a Supreme Court ruling, among other things. Pretty compelling stuff, right?

Not if it involves leftist billionaire George Soros. In this case, the mainstream press couldn’t care less.

On Saturday, a group called DC Leaks posted more than 2,500 documents going back to 2008 that it pilfered from Soros' Open Society Foundations' servers. Since then, the mainstream media have shown zero interest in this gold mine of information.

We couldn’t find a single story on the New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, CBS News or other major news sites that even noted the existence of these leaked documents, let alone reported on what’s in them.

Indeed, the only news organization that appears to be diligently sifting through all the documents is the conservative Daily Caller, which as a result has filed a series of eye-opening reports.

ZeroHedge links to an essay of almost the same title in Investor’s Business Daily. Over the years IBD has done some excellent work on issues.

ZeroHedge posts more in its characteristic highlighted style. Listed are Soros-funded efforts to arrange smears against conservative activists, ‘technical assistance’ for Black Lives Matter, expanding the US acceptance of Muslim immigrants, and to influence the Supreme Court on the Obama Amnesty. The piece concludes:

If Soros were a rock-ribbed conservative who supported Republican candidates and causes, you can bet that a swarm of reporters would right now be lustily tearing into these documents determined to expose any and every shred of evidence of influence peddling and misdeeds.

But because Soros is a hard-core leftist, he apparently gets a pass.

Yesterday James Fulford posted JERUSALEM POST Exposes Soros’s Attacks On National Sovereignty Via Immigration–U.S MSM Clueless

I would prefer to say the American MSM is AWOL — they know what they are doing.

The Jerusalem Post article — Soros’s campaign of global chaos by Caroline B. Glick 8/22/2016, besides noting some destructive efforts financed by Soros in Israel, is a superb conceptual denunciation of this evil man, very much worth reading:

According to the documents, Soros has given more than $30 million to groups working for Hillary Clinton’s election in November, making him her largest single donor. So it is likely the case that the media’s support for Clinton has played some role in the mainstream media’s bid to bury the story…

The first thing that we see is the megalomaniacal nature of Soros’s philanthropic project. No corner of the globe is unaffected by his efforts. No policy area is left untouched…

…the fact is that Soros-backed projects share basic common attributes.

They all work to weaken the ability of national and local authorities in Western democracies to uphold the laws and values of their nations and communities…their goal is to subvert Western democracies and make it impossible for governments to maintain order or for societies to retain their unique identities and values.

It supplies a great insight:
In many ways, Donald Trump’s campaign is a direct response not to Clinton, but to Soros himself.

By calling for the erection of a border wall, supporting Britain’s exit from the EU, supporting Israel, supporting a temporary ban on Muslim immigration and supporting the police against BLM, Trump acts as a direct foil to Soros’s multi-billion dollar efforts.

I repeat
Document Hack Proves Soros Buying Open Borders. Where Are FAIR, CIS And NumbersUSA?
Looks Like George Soros Owns Hilary Clinton As Well As Angela Merkel
There is a real possibility that the Democrat’s reckless Full Merkel plank is there because of bribing by George Soros rather than deference to their crazy Brown Supremacists.

Any heroic reader willing and able to do what the American MSM will not can find the archive here.

Let us know what you find!

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