Problem Solved! Term ‘At-Risk Youth’ Replaced with ‘At-Promise Youth’ In California Penal Codes
By Steve Sailer
From CBS news in Sacramento:
Term ‘At-Risk Youth’ Replaced With ‘At-Promise Youth’ In California Penal Codes
by Laura Haefeli
February 13, 2020SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — The term “at-risk youth” was commonly used in both penal and education codes in California — until now.
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation that went into effect on Jan. 1 that officially wiped the phrase from the state’s language. The phrase will now be replaced by “at-promise youth.”
Assemblymember Byron Jones-Sawyer (D-South Los Angeles), who penned the passed legislation, says the measure will change the negative connotation that comes along with the “at-risk” label.
“I learned that words matter — and once they were called ‘at-risk,’ they almost were in the school-to-prison pipeline automatically,” Jones-Sawyer said.