The College Fix is reporting that Professor Eric Rasmusen of Indiana University is not quite being fired for this Tweet of a Lance Welton article:
“geniuses are overwhelmingly male because they combine outlier high IQ with moderately low Agreeableness and moderately low Conscientiousness.” https://t.co/cyfBX1ECSc
— Professor Eric Rasmusen (@erasmuse) November 7, 2019
However, his employer is calling him "vile and stupid" and imposing ridiculous conditions.
Indiana University is letting students opt out of classes by a professor with “vile and stupid” views on gender, sexuality and affirmative action, and subjecting him to double-blind grading so that he can’t tell which student he’s grading.
But the public university will not fire Eric Rasmusen “for his posts as a private citizen,” Provost Lauren Robel told the Kelley School of Business community, where Rasmusen is a longtime professor of business economics and public policy.
Rasmusen (above) sparked controversy earlier this month when he tweeted out an article titled “Are Women Destroying Academia? Probably.” It was published on a website run by Ron Unz, a software entrepreneur and former Senate candidate.
Law professors question university’s punishment of Christian professor for ‘vile and stupid’ views, The College Fix, November 29, 2019
That’s a Lance Welton article, originally published here: Are Women Destroying Academia? Probably, November 2, 2019. A sample of the national news coverage of this Tweet is Our Professor’s Views Are Vile, University Says. But We Can’t Fire Him, by Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, NYT, November 22, 2019.
Sample quote from the NYT:
Still, some students said Indiana University should take further action, and accused its leaders of hiding behind the First Amendment to protect the professor.
The lady provost of Indiana University Bloomington, Lauren Robel, is the "vile and stupid" commenter.
She also writes
He has posted, among many other things, the following pernicious and false stereotypes:
- That he believes that women do not belong in the workplace, particularly not in academia, and that he believes most women would prefer to have a boss than be one; he has used slurs in his posts about women;
- That gay men should not be permitted in academia either, because he believes they are promiscuous and unable to avoid abusing students;
- That he believes that black students are generally unqualified for attendance at elite institutions, and are generally inferior academically to white students.
None of these things, even expressed as she’s expressed them, are either pernicious or false.
See her statement here.
Rasmusen says that in addition to the science article about women ruining academia, the ladies are annoyed by this:
I just realized--- Women’s Studies and Home Ec are the same thing. They are both meant to teach a woman how to live her life. It’s just that only one of them keeps its promise.
— Professor Eric Rasmusen (@erasmuse) March 2, 2018
On Women’s Studies see the Independent Women’s Forum report Lying in a Room of One’s Own: How Women’s Studies Textbooks Miseducate Students. PDF
Rasmussen also Tweeted another Welton article with a link to VDARE.com.
universities are less likely to appoint genius types. They will appoint what Dutton and Charlton call the ‘head girl’ — quite intelligent, socially skilled, conscientious. excellent at playing the academic game and will make a great colleague.” https://t.co/EwCh2lNPqn pic.twitter.com/frPUu6HMwO
— Professor Eric Rasmusen (@erasmuse) November 7, 2019
That’s a link to THE GENIUS FAMINE: The Death of Religion Will Lead to the Death of Genius and the Death of Civilization.
Rasmusen has his own web page, and has posted a special "kerfuffle" page about the incident, in which he refutes, line by line, the lady provost’s statement.
This is old stuff to us.
In 2004, I wrote a story called Angst in Arizona — Caused By VDARE.com? about an Arizona teacher who forwarded some of our articles in emails to other teachers, who then tried to get him fired. Six years later, the 9th Circuit ruled this ok.
Courthouse News Service
May 21, 2010
(CN) — Hispanic professors can’t use the courts to stifle what they consider racist e-mails sent to everyone in their district by a math teacher, the 9th Circuit ruled.[More]
Also, adviser to the President Stephen Miller is being attacked for having forwarded our articles on email, and the Guardian is trying to have us removed from Facebook … apparently for having been forwarded by Miller. So it’s all part of what we call "America’s emerging totalitarian Left."