More Republicans are waking up to the need for America to temporarily halt all immigration.
Four Republican senators and eight Republican congressmen sent two separate letters urging President Trump to expand his immigration moratorium.
The Senate letter was signed by Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Chuck Grassley, and Josh Hawley.
The House letter was signed by Lance Gooden, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, Mo Brooks, Michael Burgess, Steve King, and Brian Babin.
Gooden and Gosar had previously called upon the White House to expand the ban.
Today, I sent a letter to President Trump urging him to extend his Apr-22 EO by suspending ALL guest worker programs with support from multiple House Republicans, including: @RepMattGaetz @RepGosar @RepBrianBabin @michaelcburgess @LouieGohmertTX1 @RepMoBrooks & @SteveKingIA pic.twitter.com/IRmKjjCXWt
— Lance Gooden (@Lancegooden) May 7, 2020
Both letters urged Trump to stop issuing guest worker visas until unemployment returned to normal levels. “[W]e urge you to suspend all nonimmigrant guest worker visas for the next sixty days. Exceptions to this suspension should be rare, limited to time-sensitive industries such as agriculture, and issued only on a case-by-case basis when the employer can demonstrate that they have been unable to find Americans to take the jobs,” read the Senate letter.
The Senate letter says this ban should be effective for at least 60 days.
After sixty days, we urge you to continue to suspend new nonimmigrant guest workers for one year or until our national unemployment figures return to normal levels, whichever comes first. That suspension should, at a minimum, include H-2B visas (nonagricultural seasonal workers), H-1B visas (specialty occupation workers), and the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program (extension of foreign student visas after graduation). We also urge you to suspend the EB-5 immigrant visa program, effective immediately.
The Senate letter added that the EB-5, which primarily goes to Chinese millionaires, acts in many cases “as a pay-for-citizenship scheme.”
The House letter stated that the EB-5 visa should be revoked permanently.
These letters are a step in the right direction. It’s only a shame more Republicans didn’t sign them. Yet, their issuance shows the growing popularity of the moratorium among Republicans.
Trump deserves credit for making this idea mainstream. Now he just needs to correct his ban to sufficiently put American workers first.