Public Notices Obama’s Islam Appeasement Strategy Is Not Working

By Brenda Walker


Back before Obama was elected, he had rather expansive ideas of what his special charm could accomplish in the world. Specifically, he thought his Muslim childhood brought unique insight to the 1400-year clash between the West and dar al-Islam, a problem he could solve. (No shortage of self-esteem here!)

During a November 21, 2007, radio interview, he predicted that his election would end a millennium of Islamic violence:

Obama Flashback: The Day I’m Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Cease,, Sept 14 2012

I truly believe that the day I’m inaugurated, not only the country looks at itself differently, but the world looks at America differently… If I’m reaching out to the Muslim world they understand that I’ve lived in a Muslim country and I may be a Christian, but I also understand their point of view… My sister is half-Indonesian. I traveled there all the way through my college years. And so I’m intimately concerned with what happens in these countries and the cultures and perspective these folks have. And those are powerful tools for us to be able to reach out to the world… then I think the world will have confidence that I am listening to them and that our future and our security is tied up with our ability to work with other countries in the world that will ultimately makes us safer…

So after his election, in 2009 Barak Hussein Obama presented a major outreach speech in Cairo, offering a reset in the relationship. In my analysis (Obama in Egypt: Multiculturalist Meets Muslims. Muslims Win), I argued that the message had too much pro-Islam appeasement. (Speech transcript here.)

Below, locked ‘n’ loaded Hamas gunmen watch Obama’s Cairo speech.

Since then, the administration’s fawning attitude toward the increased influence of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups has only encouraged the worst elements of Arab society. Violence in the Middle East and beyond against America has been a practically a daily event since the 9/11 terror attack in Libya that killed the Ambassador and three others.

Obama’s entire policy toward the Middle East and Islam has gone up in flames, while the President has avoided the subject, aided by his loyal servants in the Opravda media.

Even so, the American public is not completely asleep, as shown by recent polling from Rasmussen.

Poll: 45 Percent Say U.S.-Muslim Relations Are Worse Now Than 4 Years Ago, Newsmax, September 25, 2012

Nearly half of American voters — 45 percent — think relations between the United States and Muslims worldwide have deteriorated in the past four years, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Tuesday.

Only 18 percent said relations had improved in the four years since Barack Obama became president, while 31 percent said U.S.-Muslim relations are about the same.

The poll found 68 percent of all voters believe there is a global conflict between Western and Islamic civilizations, up five points since May. Just 15 percent say there is no conflict.

Republicans overwhelmingly said they thought U.S.-Muslim relations had gotten worse during the past four years. Meanwhile, 32 percent of Democrats said things had actually gotten better, compared to 20 percent who say they have gotten worse.

The survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted Sept. 21-22, after violent protests over a U.S.-made movie that denigrates Islam’s Prophet Muhammad began sweeping the Muslim world. U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in a Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, with a 95 percent level of confidence.

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