
Punishment Ahead? Border Agents “Sabotaged” Treason Lobby Supply Caches For Illegals

By A.W. Morgan


It wasn’t enough for the leaders of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Department of Homeland Security to smear border agents by claiming they “whipped” illegal aliens who crashed the border. Now, the authorities want to investigate another non-crime: Someone is “sabotaging” the water, food, and other supplies that communist Treason Lobby activists leave for illegals in the desert near San Diego, California.

Border Patrol investigating after humanitarian volunteers say agents destroyed supplies left for migrants https://t.co/h14Jptu5L9

— The San Diego Union-Tribune (@sdut) April 9, 2023

As one would expect, the city’s Union-Tribune tells a tale of woe from the Treason Lobby’s perspective:

Early on a recent Saturday morning, a group of humanitarian volunteers hiked, slipped and scaled steep rocks down an Otay Mountain trail marked by Electrolit bottles and clothing left behind by migrants.

Along the way, the volunteers left crates full of water, canned food and first aid supplies, hoping to prevent the deaths of people trying to cross the border there.

When they turned around and hiked back to the cars they had left — near a rescue beacon on a remote dirt road mostly used by Border Patrol agents — they found one drop site sabotaged. The supplies they had just placed there were opened and dumped all over the ground. The group believes that Border Patrol agents were responsible for the destruction.

“It was so painful, and it was painful in a way that we didn’t know how to express,” said Emmet Daler Norris, 28, a doctoral student at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and long-time humanitarian volunteer.

[Border Patrol investigating after humanitarian volunteers say agents destroyed supplies left for migrants, by Kate Morrissey, April 9, 2023]

Boo hoo!

Of course, CBP implicitly attacked its own personnel, just as it did in the Whipping Hoax:

“U.S. Customs and Border Protection takes allegations of misconduct seriously and this incident has been referred to CBP’s Office of Professional Responsibility,” the agency told the Union-Tribune via email.

Notably, when agents tried to stop tried to stop the “volunteers” from aiding and abetting an invasion, they skated free:

However, humanitarian groups have previously documented instances of agents destroying supplies left for migrants along the border.

In 2018, humanitarian volunteers in Arizona posted a video showing Border Patrol agents destroying water jugs they had left in the desert. The video went viral.

The situation escalated when Border Patrol agents placed a camera to monitor a building where the volunteers often stored supplies. They ended up arresting one of the volunteers and charging him with harboring undocumented immigrants. The volunteer was ultimately found not guilty.

In this latest complaint about border agents who do their jobs, the communists confronted two who confessed to cleaning and/or destroying what they considered litter.

An immigration lawyer called Kirsten Zittlau said that supplies are only legally abandoned if they are left for at least 10 days:

“I’ve checked out all the regulations,” she said. “If anything they’re the ones who are violating legal regulations. They turned humanitarian supplies into litter.”

Since then, the volunteers put signs on their supply crates that read: “Do not destroy. Do not remove. This is NOT garbage, and NOT abandoned personal property. These are HUMANITARIAN AID SUPPLIES to decrease the risk of death for people using this trail; protected by federal case law, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993; and the U.S. Constitution.”

Right. A Treason Lobby shill “checked out all the regulations” and concluded that the U.S. Constitution protects aiding and abetting an illegal-alien invasion of the United States.

Frighteningly, the Biden Regime agrees.

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