By Steve Sailer
The conservative Law and Justice ruling party in Poland holds a now rare confluence of positions: pro-European Union and pro-European. It feels that the European Union should operate in the interests of Europeans, that European Values imply that Poles should be allowed to work in London, but not that Poland should be forced to take in massive numbers of non-Europeans.
Of course, as we all know, what European Values now means is that Europe should be flooded with non-Europeans.
How did Poland end up not understanding the indisputable truth that the highest European Value is Europhobia?
One man, Simon Mol, might have contributed significantly to the 2017 Polish consensus that being pro-European means being pro-Europeans.
Hakon Rotmwrt tweets:
It’s quite a story in Wikipedia, which I’ll rearrange to avoid premature spoilerization:
Simon MolSimon Mol (6 November 1973 in Buea, Cameroon — 10 October 2008) was the pen name of Simon Moleke Njie, a Cameroon-born journalist, writer and anti-racist political activist. In 1999 he sought political asylum in Poland; it was granted in 2000, and he moved to Warsaw, where he became a well-known anti-racist campaigner.
Mol was born into an English-speaking family in Cameroon. His autobiography states that he worked as a journalist; was persecuted and jailed for his writing; sought political asylum in several African countries; and was granted asylum in Ghana, where he was persecuted again. …
In June 1999 he arrived in Poland as a member of the Ghanaian PEN Club delegation to a PEN annual congress in Warsaw. Immediately, Njie applied for asylum, which was granted in September 2000.
In Poland Simon Mol wrote poems, founded a small theatre, and engaged in political campaigns for the rights of mostly African and Chechen refugees, anti-racism, anti-fascism and environmental protection. …
His activities brought attention to presumed racial discrimination in Poland, with him filing reports to Amnesty International about the alleged institutional racism.
He was a football player in the Mazur Karczew football team. One of the matches that he organized himself for his all-Black team was against Polonia Warszawa, according to the bulletin of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation.
He later used his sports team for political campaigns.
He became an advisor with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a journalist of The Warsaw Voice, the secretary general of Association of Refugees in the Republic of Poland, the chief editor of “The Voice of the Refugee” (“Glos Uchodzców”)
In 2005 he organized a conference with Black ambassadors in Poland to protest the claims in an article in Wiedza i Zycie by Adam Leszczynski about AIDS problems in Africa, which quoted research stating that a majority of African women were unable to persuade their HIV positive husbands to wear condoms, and so later got caught HIV themselves. Mol accused Leszczynski of prejudice because of this publication.
As a cultural representative of the international anti-racist sports campaigns organized by UEFA, he was sent to conferences in Italy and the UK.
In 2003, he received the award “Antifascist of the Year” given by the Nigdy Wiecej (“Never Again”) anti-rasism association.
In 2004, on behalf of the President of Poland, he was nominated for the Sergio Vieira de Mello Prize, alongside the ex-PM Tadeusz Mazowiecki and other Polish luminaries, for “rebuilding peace in post-conflict communities”, under the patronage of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees, among other institutions.
Honorary member of the British International Pen Club Centre.
In 2006 Mol received the prestigious award “Oxfam Novib/PEN Award for Freedom of Expression”.
In February 2006, further to his partner’s request for him to take an HIV test, Mol declined and published a post on his blog explaining why not:
Character assassination isn’t a new phenomenon. However, it appears here the game respects no rules. It wouldn’t be superfluous to state that there is an ingrained, harsh and disturbing dislike for Africans here. The accusation of being HIV positive is the latest weapon that as an African your enemy can raise against you. This ideologically inspired weapon, is strengthened by the day with disturbing literature about Africa from supposed-experts on Africa, some of whom openly boast of traveling across Africa in two weeks and return home to write volumes. What some of these hastily compiled volumes have succeeded in breeding, is a social and psychological conviction that every African walking the street here is supposedly HIV positive, and woe betide anyone who dares to unravel the myth being put in place.
On the 3rd of January 2007 Mol was taken into custody by the Polish police and charged with infecting his sexual partners with HIV.
In Poland, Mol was accused of knowingly spreading the HIV virus and was charged in the cases of eleven women and remanded in custody.
After his arrest, Mol stated he had no knowledge of being an HIV carrier and accused the police of racism.
According to the Rzeczpospolita newspaper, he was diagnosed with HIV back in 1999 while living in a refugee shelter, but Polish law does not force an HIV carrier to reveal his or her disease status.
According to the police inspector who was investigating his case, a witness stated that Mol refused to wear condoms during sex. An anonymous witness in one case said that he accused a girl who demanded he should wear them that she was racist because as he was Black she thought he must be infected with HIV. After sexual intercourse he used to say to his female partners that his sperm was sacred.
In an unusual move, his photo with an epidemiological warning, was ordered to be publicly displayed by the then Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro. MediaWatch, a body that monitors alleged racism, quickly denounced this decision, asserting that it was a breach of ethics with racist implications, as the picture had been published before any court verdict. They saw it as evidence of institutional racism in Poland, also calling for international condemnation.
South African Press Association (SAPA) and Agence France Presse in their article described him as “a darling of Poland’s liberal press” due to his political campaigns Thus some of his victims were reportedly intimidated and threatened and Polish police delayed his arrest for long because of his political connections, thus allowing him to infect new victims.
On 6 March 2007 newspaper Rzeczpospolita published an article on Simon Mol (Na tropie oszusta Simona Mola by Bertold Kittel and Maja Narbutt in co-operation with Anna Machowska from TVN), stating that his biography was fabricated. An editor of the Cameroonian English language weekly The Sketch denied that Njie worked there; his mother said he was employed at a refinery; didn’t write about government corruption in Cameroon; and was not jailed in 1996. A representative of Ghanaian journalists said that while in Ghana Njie published newspaper articles about football and was never arrested in that country.
Mol was put on trial in July 2008, but the trial was suspended when Mol’s health deteriorated. Due to this and previous procedural delays, at this point the case on behalf of his victims was taken over by the then current minister of Education and Deputy PM Roman Giertych, who demanded that the case be requalified as intentional murder and demanded life sentence for Mol, thus increasing the profile of the case.
After police published Mol’s photo and an alert before the start of court proceedings, Warsaw HIV testing centers were “invaded by young women”. A few said that they knew Mol. Some of the HIV tests have been positive. According to the police inspector who had been monitoring the tests and the case: “Some women very quickly started to suffer drug-resistant tonsillitis and fungal infections. They looked wasted, some lost as many as 15 kilograms and were deeply traumatized, impeding us taking the witness statements. 18 additional likely victims have been identified thereby”. Genetic tests of the virus from the infectees and Simon proved that it was specific to Cameroon. …
… However, Mol’s trial was suspended due to his severe illness. He died from HIV-related complications on 10 October 2008. …
Despite concerns voiced by UNHCR in April 2007 the plans for HIV testing of asylum seekers were fully introduced in Poland shortly after Mol’s well-publicised trial.
For more on the Simon Mol story, see Virtuous Cycle and Irish Savant.