Quota Of The Day: James Bovard — "Practically Any Written Test Can Be Evidence Of Discrimination"
But, as Herman Belz, author of that unheralded masterpiece Equality Transformed, observes, "Since 1966, the underlying purpose of the [federal civil rights] test guidelines was to place enough obstacles in the way of employee selection so that employees would choose to hire by race rather than objective criteria of merit." Since blacks and Hispanics tend to score significantly lower on written tests of cognitive ability than do whites, the OFCCP routinely presumes that practically any written test can be evidence of discrimination. Indeed, the OFCCP Compliance Manual is written based on the assumption that any hiring standards that do not generate the correct diversity of employees is presumptively illegal. In the agency’s view, the fact that a company believes its workers need to read at a certain level is an injustice to every illiterate person who applies for the job. [Here Comes the Goon Squad, By James Bovard, The American Spectator, July, 1996]
This, of course, is one of the major reasons why we can’t ignore group differences in IQ, even if we wanted to. Bovard also quotes from When quotas replace merit, everybody suffers, [by Peter Brimelow and Leslie Spencer, Forbes, 1993]which why I headlined this "Quota Of The Day."