Quote of The Day: Kipling and Young People Afraid To Kipple — " … They Had Never Actually Read Any Kipling. More To The Point, They Had Been Told Not To."
Modern fantasy novelist Neil Gaiman writes in the introduction to Rudyard Kipling’s Tales of Horror and Fantasy
"Years ago, back when I was just starting to write Sandman, I was interviewed, and in the interview I was asked to name some of my favourite authors. I listed happily and with enthusiasm. Several weeks later, when the interview had been printed, a fan letter arrived at DC Comics for me, and was forwarded to me. It was from three young men who wanted to know how I could possibly have listed Kipling as a favourite author, given that I was a trendy young man and Kipling was, I was informed, a fascist and a racist and a generally evil person.
It was obvious from the letter that they had never actually read any Kipling. More to the point, they had been told not to."
Kipling actually was a racist, by most definitions of the term. He was not a fascist, nor a generally evil person.
He was a traditionalist, with an exaggerated respect for authority. In spite of this, it is impossible for anyone who has read Stalky & Co.to imagine him refusing to read something because his elders warned him it was wicked.
I bet half of those kids who wrote Gaiman owned "Question Authority" T-shirts.