Race Riots And The Associated Press

By James Fulford


Via Alipac, I see that there’s been a fairly typical race riot in a Los Angeles school, and the Associated Press isn’t reporting it as such.[Illegal Immigration ALIPAC — Race Riot in LA! AP Censors the truth again!] I did a big article about how the Associated Press, in particular, doesn’t like to mention race, even when it’s the major theme in the story:

Several Los Angeles Unified School District campuses have had brawls between black and Latino students. In 2005, Jefferson High School was the setting for weeks of clashes.
The LAPD said officials aren’t sure what prompted the disturbance.[Locke High School in South Los Angeles locked down after huge brawl|Four people are arrested after a lunchtime melee involving as many as 600 students, By Howard Blume and Mitchell Landsberg, Los Angeles Times, May 10, 2008 ]

This goes on a lot — more than gets reported. In 2006, Media Matters, the George Soros funded, David Brock run, left-wing media critic organization, criticized Terry Anderson for saying "black students are now outnumbered by the Hispanic students and when those numbers get up around 65 to 70 percent Hispanic, the riots begin. "

As I pointed out at the time, there were actual riots. That’s what mass immigration leads to. But no one wants to know. This statement is from one troubled school district’s website:

What Makes Us Special

Our community is rich in culture, racial and economic diversities. We cherish our differing cultural backgrounds and share the common goal of having high expectations for our children, and to the commitment to the continuing improvement of our schools.

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