Radio Derb Is On The Air; Fisher v. Texas, Holder v.America

By John Derbyshire


As a podcast on iTunes, listenable/downloadable onscreen at Taki’s Magazine, or as a transcript here.

In this week’s broadcast I chew over some of the end-of-term decisions out of the Supreme Court.

Fisher v. University of Texas (on affirmative action in college admissions):

The republic has a clear choice. Behind Door One, public policies that violate the Constitution and the most elementary principles of fairness. Behind Door Two, public universities with student bodies almost exclusively composed of whites and Asians. We choose Door One, and the Supreme Court dare not tell us we are wrong.

Shelby County v. Holder (on the Voting Rights Act):

These folk are truly living in the past. As the Fisher v. University of Texas case illustrates, all the discrimination nowadays is against whites. Jim Crow is long gone; this is the age of Jim Snow. Voting discrimination today is not a matter of literacy tests and refused registrations; it’s Black Panthers with nightsticks at the entrance to the polling place, and La Raza busing in illegal aliens to vote — neither of which things our current Department of Justice has the least interest in prosecuting.

U.S. v. Windsor (on the Defense of Marriage Act):

The majority opinion here, by Justice Kennedy, was frankly totalitarian — that is, it declared that one opinion about the nature of marriage should be held by all good citizens, and that anyone holding a different view could only be motivated by malice. Dissenters from the one correct view sought, in Justice Kennedy’s words, to, quote, “disparage and to injure those whom the State, by its marriage laws, sought to protect in personhood and dignity,” end quote.

Hollingsworth v. Perry (on California’s Proposition 8 banning homosexual marriage):

My colleague Kathy Shaidle pointed out a bigger irony. Proposition 8 was passed thanks to heavy support from California’s blacks; so this Court ruling on Prop. 8 effectively disenfranchised blacks. Yet all the professional blacks like Al Sharpton and TourĂ© Neblett who were hyperventilating on TV the day before over the Voting Rights Act decision had nothing to say about the Prop. 8 decision. Strange.

Listen to or read the whole thing.

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