Radio Derb Is On The Air: Michelle Obama’s Pomp and Circumstance, And Much More

By John Derbyshire


Radio Derb Is On The Air: Michelle Obamas Pomp and Circumstance, And Much More

Radio Derb is on the air, as a podcast on iTunes, listenable/downloadable onscreen at Taki’s Magazine, or as a transcript here.

The First Lady has been visiting China, taking along her two daughters, her mother, and an entourage of around seventy government workers, mostly security people — all at public expense!

I vent about this, opining in regard to their accommodations — an $8,400-a-night suite in a plush hotel — that:

Mrs. Obama is not an employee of our federal government … She has no claim on the public fisc other than what she requires to keep up a decent appearance as the President’s spouse.

We maintain a large and expensive embassy in Peking. I have always understood that one of the functions of an embassy is to provide accommodation for visiting dignitaries from the home country. If Mrs. Obama is unwilling to pay for her own holiday accommodations, I wouldn’t mind the embassy putting her up as a courtesy, since presumably they have room, and security people permanently on staff.

The full Radio Derb playbill: It’s all there at Taki’s Magazine.

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