Radio Derb Is On The Air: Out of Africa, Etc.
Radio Derb is on the air: go here to listen, here to download the MP3. Playlist:
01m14s — Trump hits a homer. (He wants to enforce our laws!)
10m04s — The stakes get higher. (If Trump goes down, so does patriotic immigration reform.)
15m58s — Free Puerto Rico! (It’s a millstone.)
21m59s — Continents without borders. (Aren’t navies supposed to stop invasions?)
30m35s — Out of Africa. (Lots and lots of people.)
33m57s — Unschooled and happy. (We don’t need no education.)
40m05s — Ed school wisdom. (How kids think.)
41m25s — Marines who happen to be women… (…happen to flunk officer course.)
43m50s — Neander-thal or Neander-tal? (Easier in Latin.)
45m25s — Mis Bim-Bim a no-no in Ouagadougo. (Derb hopes for a trifecta.)
48m22s — Signoff. (Back to school.)