
Radio Derb Is On The Air: Stanley Fischer And Dual Citizenship, Etc.

By John Derbyshire


As a podcast on iTunes, listenable/downloadable onscreen at Taki’s Magazine, or as a transcript here.

This week’s title story concerns the nomination of Stanley Fischer, Governor of the Bank of Israel, to be Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve. I take the opportunity to vent against the concept of dual citizenship, which I call “an abomination”:

Patriotism can have only one object. When a British person becomes a naturalized American, there is a way to finesse the situation so that you remain a British citizen, holding dual British and American citizenship. I know people who did that. I myself didn’t. Taking the Naturalization Oath, I declared before a judge that “I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen.” Taking an oath is a serious matter, or ought to be.

Well, that’s personal. I’m sure Mr. Fischer has his reasons. I do find it hard to believe, though, that for such a senior post, with such power over the U.S. economy, it wasn’t possible to find someone among the 300 million-odd non-dual citizens of the U.S.A.

The full Radio Derb playbill:

It’s all there at Taki’s Magazine.

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