Radio Derb Is On The Air: "Weiner’s Second Coming" And Other Double-Entendres

By John Derbyshire


As a podcast on iTunes, listenable and downloadable from Taki’s Magazine, and with a transcript here.

Did I resist the temptation, in this week’s broadcast, to pass comment on Anthony Weiner’s attempted retumescence? No, I didn’t, though I probably should have.

Disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner is trying to get back into politics, to the delight of punsters and double-entendre mavens everywhere. "WEINER’s SECOND COMING" was the New York Post headline.

You'll no doubt recall that Weiner was caught texting images of his boxer-brief bulge to a 21-year-old college student back in May of 2011. Weiner’s constituents were outraged, and he was forced to make a premature evacuation of his congressional seat.

You'd think that a chap in that situation would find a paying job and get on with life. Since Weiner has no marketable skills, I understand that might be difficult; but hey, there are trade schools. He could turn himself into an electrician or a software developer.

No, no; the political life is too sweet, and way too well remunerated. Weiner’s wife has been in the retinue of the Clintons for most of her working life, and you don’t spend that much time around that much money without doing pretty well yourself. The couple have an apartment on Park Avenue South and according to The New York Times breakfast regularly at the Gramercy Park Hotel, which — trust me — is not a soup kitchen. American politics nowadays is a road to stupendous wealth. Electrician? That’s for losers.

So Weiner’s running for Mayor of New York, election to be held this November. He’s in there with a chance, too. The rest of the Democratic field, as Radio Derb reported last June, includes nobody who could find his rear end with both hands, a mirror, and a GPS locator.

I go on to argue that term limits aren’t going to solve the problem Weiner represents; then I propose something that might do the trick, suggested by The Golden Bough.

Never let it be said that Radio Derb fails to offer constructive solutions.

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