Radio Derb On Air! Exposing the Goodwhite Id; The Terror Channel; Etc. [10+ ITEMS]
Radio Derb is on the air–go here to listen, here to download the MP3.
00m49s — Exposing the Goodwhite id. (It’s a Whitopia.)
09m29s — Norks kill American, China smiles. (Soothing the barbarian.)
18m44s — The Terror Channel. (It’s getting to be like the weather.)
29m35s — Tillerson ♥ Soros. (What the President might learn in Poland.)
35m54s — Revolution lite. (We had ours, now France has had theirs.)
45m23s — The problem with Illinois. (Begins with “Chic-,” ends with “-ago.”)
47m27s — Problems of the modern city. (No middle class.)
49m43s — Legislating pronouns. (Trudeau says ze’s pleased.)
51m07s — Bringing up the rear. (Can land you in jail.)
52m16s — Signoff. (Get pots’n’pans ready.)