RADIO DERB ON THE AIR! The Patriot Spring; ETC.[9 + ITEMS]
01m03s — Derb goes to the mattresses. (Hallelujah!)07m22s — Mony a mickle maks a muckle. (Sharing the joy.)
10m55s — The greatest show on earth. (Foreigners take an interest.)
16m33s — The Patriot Spring. (Trump inspires Europe.)
23m22s — Mourning in America. (Hysteria on the Left.)
33m05s — Better dead than rude. (Remember: political correctness kills.)
34m23s — Lame duck mischief. (A pardon for Mrs Clinton?)
37m53s — ChiComs do Everest. (High-altitude tourism.)
40m11s — Signoff. (Note the day.)
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