RADIO DERB On The Air! UNC’s Illiterate Atheletes; Boehner’s CeauČ™escu Moment … 11+ Items!

By John Derbyshire


As a podcast on iTunes, listenable/downloadable onscreen at Taki’s Magazine, or as a transcript here.

In one segment of this week’s broadcast I discuss the UNC Chapel Hill scandal:

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill… has a stellar basketball team — they made the University $16.9 million clear profit in 2012.

UNC Chapel Hill also has a reading instructor named Mary Willingham, whose job is to provide remedial reading skills to students who aren’t quite up to college standards in understanding their academic material. Testing 183 incoming athletes over eight years, Ms. Willingham found that 60 percent read between fourth- and eighth-grade levels, while an additional 8 to 10 percent were functionally illiterate, reading below third grade level.

So what were these students doing in their class time? See if you can guess. That’s right: they were doing Black Studies — or as they are called at UNC Chapel Hill, Afro-American Studies.

Bloomberg Businessweek, along with local media and much helped by Ms. Willingham, has been exposing what actually goes on in the Afro-American Studies Department at Chapel Hill. Nothing honestly academic, is the answer. Back in December a grand jury indicted Julius Nyang’oro, chairman of the Department for twenty years, for running ghost courses that never actually met, and for awarding bogus grades.

The administration at Chapel Hill is doing its best to cover up the scandal, mainly by assassinating the character of Ms. Willingham…

The full Radio Derb playbill:

It’s all there at Taki’s Magazine.

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