Radio Derb Transcript Archived, And A New Way To Win The Ghetto Lottery
A transcript for the May 9th Radio Derb is now archived at my website, along with the sound file. I posted a preview of the show here at on Saturday.
In one of the brief items at the end of the podcast I took note of a new way (so far as I know) for the news media to not tell us the race of a criminal.
The determination on the part of the media to keep the extent of black crime hidden from the general public is an evergreen topic for mockery among race realists. We are told that: “The robber was described as a tall man in his thirties”; or else we are told that a convenience store was trashed by a mob of “teens.” You know the drill.There’s always a new angle, though. I smiled at this story in the May 7th New York Post.
A man was riding on a subway train with his girlfriend when he got into a staring match with another rider. The staring match was finally resolved when the party of the second part took out a handgun and shot the party of the first part in the arm.
The entire description of the perp is contained in the following paragraph, quote:
“The suspect is described as a man with curly hair, wearing a red shirt and black backpack, cops said.”
So, when riding the New York subway, be careful who you get into a staring match with. Most important, avoid staring at anyone with curly hair.
The New York Post seems to be a pioneer in this tiny art form. On Monday, May 11th they reported on some assaults in Central Park over the weekend.
A couple was mugged by armed thugs in the park Saturday evening …
… hours before another victim was robbed at gunpoint and a teen also attacked in a separate incident, police said.The first robbery occurred at about 9:30 p.m. as the couple sat by the Heckscher Ballfields near West Drive and were approached by a group of men and women …
Men and women!
… yelling obscenities, cops said.When the 20-year-old man and his 17-year-old girlfriend tried to walk away, one of the thugs pulled out what is believed to have been a Taser and slugged the girl in the face.
The creeps …
… then robbed the boyfriend at knifepoint before emptying the girl’s purse and fleeing with her cellphone, cops said.At around 1 a.m. Sunday, an unidentified man was walking along the 81st Street transverse when a person came behind him and put him in a chokehold while placing a gun to his head, cops said.
Under the circumstances I guess we can excuse the absence of any description for the “person” in this case.
The man lost consciousness, and when he awoke, his backpack and wallet were missing, cops said.The crime spree continued into Sunday night, when a 19-year-old girl was walking on East driver near East 110th Street around 8:15 p.m. and was approached by a man …
A man!
… attempting to talk to her, cops said.When she tried to ignore him and kept walking, the thug …
So the man was another thug! Or possibly one of the same thugs. Was he a creep, though?
… claimed he had a knife and demanded her wallet.The victim complied and handed over her wallet containing $20 and two credit cards before the man fled.
No arrests have been made in any of the incidents.
Joggers, bikers and sunbathers flooding the park hours later said crimes like these keep them out of the park after dark.
“There are no lights!” said a 41-year-old banker who gave only her first name, Estelle.
“It’s dark, scary. God knows what could happen,” the Upper West Side woman said.
Staying until the park’s official closing time, 1 a.m., is out of the question, others said.
“It has really been cleaned up. It’s more of a family place now. But I never come at night, at least not alone,” said Ashton Davis, 19, also of the Upper West Side.
Up until last Sunday, May 3, there had been only four robberies in the park all this year.
Last year, there were 20 robberies in the park, 12 of which led to arrests. [Central Park became Crime Central this weekend, by Antonio Antenucci, Emily Saul and Beckie Strum; New York Post, May 10.]
Perhaps we’re in for a revival of “wilding” — gangs of, er, creeps assaulting random park users.
Would it be bad taste to suggest that any such revival might be incentivized at least in part by Mayor de Blasio’s $41 million payout to the Central Park Five last year?
It’s a roundabout way to win the Ghetto Lottery, but hey, it beats working for a living.