
Radio Derb Transcript Up For August 20: Biden’s Saigon, Ruling Class Incompetence, Leaky Air Security, Another 9/11? And The World Of Null-T, Etc.

By John Derbyshire


The Radio Derb transcript is up for August 20, 2021. Go here to read or listen.

01m50s Biden’s Saigon? (Vietnam, Afghanistan; some parallels.)

08m11s Systemic Incompetence. (In the ruling class.)

13m50s The best and the brightest. (War story.)

17m35s The Fantasy-Based Community. (Realities misplaced.)

25m17s Air security is leaky. (A fun statistic.)

30m12s Another 9/11? (Air security arms race.)

33m38s The World of Null-T. (Cleansing the nation of Trumpism.)

41m01s A Vietnamese refugee assimilates. (To elite lunacy.)

44m35s Show trial for the Floyd cops. (May not be a total farce.)

48m23s A distant clanking. (Can you hear it?)

48m53s Signoff. (With something silly.)

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