Radio Derb Transcript Up For August 21: WhoWeAre-ism At The DNC, The National Lie, And The Church Of Antiracism, Etc.
The Radio Derb transcript is up for August 21. Go here to read or listen.
01m59s WhoWeAre-ism. (Giving way to The Work.)
07m37s The National Lie. (In the realm of magic.)
12m27s Who is a danger to whom? (Justified derision.)
15m24s The Church of Antiracism. (Twitter ♥ a totalitarian.)
20m50s Where we eece-flay the ongregation-cay. (Buy a ticket now!)
23m57s Slo-mo Camp of the Saints. (The problem with CANZUK.)
30m46s The Golden State goes green. (Leading to blackouts.)
31m57s Erratum. (The mot juste.)
32m21s Mayoral privilege. (In Chicago.)
34m14s Mayoral-spousal privilege. (In New York.)
36m13s Small coup in Mali. (Not many dead.)
36m25s Capitalism 2020. (Why is the stock market high?)
38m13s Signoff. (Tribute to a Canadian hero.)