
Radio Derb Transcript Up For August 21: WhoWeAre-ism At The DNC, The National Lie, And The Church Of Antiracism, Etc.

By John Derbyshire


The Radio Derb transcript is up for August 21. Go here to read or listen.


01m59s WhoWeAre-ism. (Giving way to The Work.)

07m37s The National Lie. (In the realm of magic.)

12m27s Who is a danger to whom? (Justified derision.)

15m24s The Church of Antiracism. (Twitter ♥ a totalitarian.)

20m50s Where we eece-flay the ongregation-cay. (Buy a ticket now!)

23m57s Slo-mo Camp of the Saints. (The problem with CANZUK.)

30m46s The Golden State goes green. (Leading to blackouts.)

31m57s Erratum. (The mot juste.)

32m21s Mayoral privilege. (In Chicago.)

34m14s Mayoral-spousal privilege. (In New York.)

36m13s Small coup in Mali. (Not many dead.)

36m25s Capitalism 2020. (Why is the stock market high?)

38m13s Signoff. (Tribute to a Canadian hero.)

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