Radio Derb Transcript Up For December 10: Approximate Justice — Jussie, Maxwell-Epstein, Another Minneapolis Martyr, And Why Aren’t We Friends With Russia? Etc.
The Radio Derb transcript is up for December 10, 2021. Go here to read or listen.
01m34s Approximate justice. (And the power of the Narrative.)
07m50s Injustice for Jussie. (And a waste of public resources.)
13m56s Maxwell-Epstein mysteries. (We don’t know the half of it.)
20m05s Another Minneapolis martyr. (Where are all the bad people buried?)
28m15s Why aren’t we friends with Russia? (Our greatest folly.)
29m59s What’s up with Down Under? (Schoolmarms take over the Antipodes.)
32m41s Diversity University. (Ohio State U. has 132 parasites.)
36m27s It’s WAU-kee-SHAW, not wau-KEE-sha. (But what happened there? Can’t remember.)
38m35s Passing of a fine scholar. (Jacques Tits, RIP.)
40m07s Signoff. (With White Art Collective.)