Radio Derb Transcript Up For Feb 12: Wimpy Senators, Impeachment Psychology, And Masters Of Silence, Etc.
The Radio Derb transcript is up for February 12. Go here to read or listen.
00m52s Power and dignity. (We expect more than the usual.)
06m18s The stuff Romans were made of. (A story from the classics.)
12m27s Impeachment psychology. (What’s driving it?)
18m18s Trumpism yes, Trump no. (And institutional Republicanism, hell no!)
26m27s Masters of silence. (We know, they know we know, they don’t care.)
35m42s Stories that write their own comment threads. (Common in immigration.)
40m57s Oklahoma still OK. (Cherish localism.)
42m50s Good news on fertility. (From Hungary.)
44m23s Vaccines for Guantánamo? (No: but why are Mohammeds still there?)
46m28s Controversy spreads. (Storm in a butter tub.)
48m30s Signoff. (Year of the ox.)