The Radio Derb transcript is up for February 18, 2022. Go here to read or listen.
01:27 Will he or won’t he? (Putin, attack.)
08:37 A riddle wrapped in a mystery. (Why do our elites hate Russia?)
18:51 New York City news. (The mayor, Mrs. Clinton.)
25:18 Game Theory applied to voting. (Democracy’s a bitch.)
30:25 P.J. O'Rourke, RIP. (His contribution to political science.)
31:52 GOP senators shaft low-skilled workers. (Including Rand Paul.)
33:40 The GiveSendGo hack. (You can still help the Brunswick Three.)
35:53 VDARE to SCOTUS. (Fundamental liberties at stake.)
37:46 Baptismal bungle. (Those durn pronouns.)
40:32 Biden hires drag queen. (To manage nuclear waste!)
42:42 Anti-Woke activism, San Francisco style. (Meet Gaybraham Lincoln.)