The Radio Derb transcript is up for February 22. Go here to read or listen.
00m43s Empire of lies. (Jussie and the media.)
04m42s The other Smollett. (The human vomedy.)
12m57s A skirmish in the Cold Civil War. (It’s not really about what it’s about.)
18m32s The New York Times doubles down on race denialism. (The embarrassing Ms Harmon.)
26m17s Meeting a black mathematician. (An institution in decay.)
29m55s The Aurora shooting. (Black shooter, nonblack victims.)
31m00s De-platforming John Wayne. (Can’t we get rid of California?)
32m46s Erratum: Learning to code. (Not a suggestion, a taunt.)
34m18s Erratum: Israel. (My nits, and The Economist’s.)
35m46s Remembering higher math. (I hit the wall.)
38m39s Signoff. (Stephen Foster, culturally appropriated.)