Radio Derb Transcript Up For January 5 Up — Fire, Fury, And Trumpism, Plus DACAthlon, Etc.
The Radio Derb Transcript for January 5 is up–go here to read or listen.
03m22s — The singer and the song (cont.) (That book.)
10m48s — The DACAthlon: When will it end? (And how?)
16m45s — How serious countries do immigration enforcement. (They just do it.)
21m23s — A Bernie for 2020. (De Blasio makes it plain.)
26m09s — Restless in Iran. (Not your father’s history.)
32m35s — Down with white-informed civility! (The war against color-blindness.)
37m51s — Carmen revised. (What about the bull?)
39m49s — The Islamic beard explained. (Warding off indecent thoughts.)
40m54s — Do Clintons worship Satan? (More likely he worships them.)
41m36s — Signoff. (Happy New Year!)