Radio Derb Transcript Up For January 9: Reform Or Revolution, Collapse Of Trust, And The Cold Civil War, Etc.
The Radio Derb transcript is up for January 9. Go here to read or listen.
01m18s Reform or revolution. (Turbulence in DC.)
08m53s The collapse of trust. (Needed reforms.)
16m00s A skirmish in the Cold Civil War. (Correlation of forces.)
23m52s The body count. (Don’t talk about her!)
30m12s Ornery in Kansas. (A COVID angle.)
35m25s COVID: a herbal cure. (From guess who?)
37m40s Pastor needs comedy instruction. (Amen to that.)
40m06s Follow the law, get canceled. (Josh Hawley’s book.)
42m54s Signoff. (Goodnight, Hank.)