Radio Derb Transcript Up For March 5 : Money Privilege, Renegade Royals, Biden’s Immigration Distraction, Etc.
The Radio Derb transcript is up for March 5. Go here to read or listen.
01m00s Money privilege. (Easily beats white privilege.)
07m26s Renegade royals. (Harry and Meghan, of course.)
14m44s Cuomo the Charmer. (Imploding in Albany.)
22m15s Lessons from the foregoing. (The sage explains.)
24m21s The great immigration distraction? (Not a crisis, a challenge.)
31m06s FBI chief talks "domestic terrorism." (Listen and weep.)
33m21s The War on Terror continues. (Price of female literacy.)
35m48s Checking up on the Accidental Asian. (Yes, he’s made it.)
38m20s Kiss her, she’s Irish. (Then brace for Stone Butch Appreciation Month.)
41m38s Gold in them there cwms. (Remembering the Sixty-Two-ers.)
42m56s Saving Britain’s National Health Service finances. (With cheap foreigners.)
45m02s Remembering a catastrophe. (Japan cleaned up.)
45m59s ChiComs probe our defenses. (Testing for the virus.)
47m09s Signoff. (Muppets, coconuts.)